This course is PERFECT for you if:

☑️ You’ve experienced being ignored, underappreciated, missed promotions, unfair work allocation or underpayment at work; 

☑️ You’ve been on the receiving end of microaggressions, constant surveillance, work overload or nit-picking in your day to day dealings at work;

☑️ You’re in a little over your head with all the toxicity at work and you’re looking to have more control, structure, and professionalism.

I’m loving the sound of this; tell me more..

How to handle workplace racism masterclass was designed to help you tackle discrimination in a multi-dimensional yet professional way. The goal of this masterclass is not to make you quit every time you encounter racism. Because ultimately, it is hard to outrun a problem like racism; you are likely to encounter it throughout life in varying degrees. Acquiring skills on how to handle racial discrimination is the secret sauce of your success at work.
No more pressure || No more intimidation || No more helplessness

Masterclass modules

How to handle workplace racism is a 360 degree look at tackling racial discrimination at the workplace. There is a lot of well-meaning advice on addressing racism at work that can land you in hot water. The trick is to know:
       ☑️     What strategy to use;
       ☑️     When to use it;
       ☑️     Who to use it on and;
       ☑️     How to use it
This masterclass is designed to do exactly that. It is divided into 6 targeted modules that help the employee navigate a racialized workplace and deal with discrimination and different types of racism. Each module is aimed at equipping you with tools and tips to tackle racism at various stages.

Here is what you can expect from each module:


Defensive strategies

In this module, we will discuss defensive strategies to protect against workplace racial discrimination. The lessons include how applying these strategies can combat hidden or covert racism. You will learn tactics that are effective even when there is an element of doubt as to whether racism is the main driver of the bullying or harassing behavior


Proactive strategies

In module two, we will master a set of crucial proactive strategies that can be deployed to mitigate the adverse impacts of racism at the workplace. We will look at how to decide which racists to deal with and how to best to handle their uncouth behavior. These strategies put you in a good position to fend off racist incidents


Reactive strategies

We get into the nitty gritty details of racism in module three, where we cover reactive strategies. You will learn vital tips and tricks to deal with the different types of racists and discriminatory incidents at the workplace. These will include the invaluable strategy of handling racists whilst avoiding being labelled the aggressor or a bully


Monitoring strategies

Module four delves into monitoring strategies. These are strategies that help in identifying discrimination, bullying or harassment. We look at how to predict and pre-empt biased feedback and malicious rumors driven by racism. We also discuss how to plan actions ahead of time that can alleviate some of the harmful impacts of racism


Coping strategies

We cover strategies to cope in a racist environment extensively in module five. It is important to identify our own needs in the middle of battling racism. We will establish what we need to do to take care of our physical and mental health in the midst of a toxic work environment. After all, it is important we don’t just survive but thrive


Interrelationship strategies

Module 6 looks at how to alleviate the havoc on relationships brought about due to discrimination and enduring racial scars. The strategies will cover personal, social and work relationships. You will learn the specifics on how to enhance or repair your personal brand from the damage caused by discriminatory events

Word around campus

It’s time to stop hoping discrimination will resolve itself

Less hoping and dreaming, more strategy driven game plan.
Ignoring racists is great till they get a few licks in and you find yourself out in the cold.
*Yikes* Not fun!
I believe any employee can thrive in a racialised environment (without compromising their individuality and what makes them special) . . . and I share exactly how in this masterclass.

Program outline

The masterclass “How to handle workplace racism” has an unparalleled blueprint that allows you to undertake one module at a time. That way, you only pay for the next module if you found value in the previous module. We are confident that you will receive immeasurable value from each module that we invite you to “NAME YOUR PRICE*”

The modules have to be taken in sequence but with the convenience of moving back and forth between lessons. This is an online masterclass giving you the flexibility of a comfortable learning environment. You can study at your own pace, completing the lessons in each module in one sitting or within 3 months. You have the added benefit of the ability to personalise your learning by using the extra resources provided immediately or at a later date. There is a mix of video lessons, functional workbooks and quizzes together with other relevant articles and guidebooks.

  • Module 1

    Defensive Strategies

    How to handle workplace racism

    6 Lessons

    Pricing: Name your price

    Prerequisites: None

  • Module 2

    Proactive strategies

    How to handle workplace racism

    5 Lessons

    Pricing: Name your price

    Prerequisites: Module 1

  • Module 3

    Reactive Strategies

    How to handle workplace racism

    6 Lessons

    Pricing: Name your price

    Prerequisites: Module 1, Module 2

  • Module 4

    Monitoring Strategies

    How to handle workplace racism

    5 Lessons

    Pricing: Name your price

    Prerequisites: Module 1, Module 2, Module 3

  • Module 5

    Coping Strategies

    How to handle workplace racism

    5 Lessons

    Pricing: Name your price

    Prerequisites: Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4

  • Module 6

    Interrelationship Strategies

    How to handle workplace racism

    5 Lessons

    Pricing: Name your price

    Prerequisites: Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 5


By the end of this Program, you will have acquired over 30+ strategies to deal with racism at the workplace and its’ impact on your life plus a plethora of wellbeing tools to employ in a toxic workplace:
You will have learnt the following:


Prowess to attain career progression despite facing racism


How to handle racists and defy the inevitable backlash


Power of persuasion and ability to inform crucial discussions and outcomes


Finesse to extract the benefits you deserve even in the face of discrimination


Be equipped to face down everyday racists and microaggressions


Confidence booster and the power of resilience when facing discrimination


How to build networks and maintain relationships notwithstanding racism


Effective scheduling and time management skills as a defence against discrimination


Successful leadership and management skills
Defensive strategies


Defensive strategies

Proactive strategies


Proactive strategies

Reactive Strategies


Reactive Strategies

Monitoring strategies


Monitoring strategies

Coping strategies


Coping strategies

Interrelationship Strategies


Interrelationship Strategies

Value for money


Practical strategies


Quality material


What happens after enrolment

Once you pay for your module, you will get an email with your log in details and instructions. You can log in immediately and start learning. No further complications! You will receive
  • ☑️  Lessons giving different unique strategies with real life examples and practical step by step guidance;
  • ☑️  Access to entire library of workbooks for that module;
  • ☑️  Interactive optional quizzes with immediate feedback provided on completion;
  • ☑️  Extra material and guidebooks that can be used immediately or at a later date;
  • ☑️  Exclusive invite to join the membership program after finishing all the modules. Christina Osure holds a members only workshop every month discussing crucial matters relating to workplace discrimination.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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